The Hale Village Therapy Centre
2nd Floor
213 Ashley Road
WA15 9TB
Online options for counselling or psychotherapy are available, e.g. Skype, Zoom, FaceTime and also telephone sessions if preferred.
- All sessions take place in newly refurbished, smart and homely therapy rooms. There is a cozy waiting area.
- Please contact individual practitioners directly either by phone or email.
- You will find their relevant contact details by clicking here and finding therapists within your chosen area.
- Alternatively you can leave a voicemail message for Karen Blumenfeld on 07956 614335 and I will return your call as soon as possible.
- The premises are over Thornley Groves estate agents. The entrance to the premises is on Leigh Road, opposite Hale Library. There is free parking on Leigh Road for an hour or park in the public car park over the road, accessed from Crown Passages by the side of Piccolino restaurant.
- There is a door entry system and you will need to check with your therapist which room buzzer to press. For Karen Blumenfeld, press Room 2 buzzer

Or you can email: