Repeating, Rebelling or Repairing: Facilitator: Karen Blumenfeld
- How your own experience of being a child in your family of origin is influencing your parenting style now.
- Working through the muddle of what to keep and what to give up from your own past and how that can help your.
- Making the distinction between your feelings and those of your child.
- Learning options to change less helpful parenting patterns that will be helpful to you and your child.
- Accepting yourself as a ‘good enough’ parent or therapist – nothing more and nothing less!
- If you are child psychotherapist or counsellor, you will gain a greater understand of your own counter-transference when working with children or teenagers with children.
- Understanding notions of emotional overprotectiveness, neglect and abandonment even when we seem to be doing all the right things!
This workshop is mixture of theory, discussion and experiential work. It’s fun, informative, deep and I have had excellent feedback whenever I have had presented this material.
Throughout the year we also run workshops on Effective Parenting with
Karen Blumenfeld 07956 614335
Also look out for age specific workshops titled How Much is Enough for parents of 7-11’s, 12-15’s or 16-19 year olds which usually take place on Friday mornings.
At each workshop you will
- Find out what are age appropriate limits and rules
- Discover how you can help your child/teen to grow up securely by providing a nurture/structure balance
- Know how to avoid the pitfalls of doing too much or of being over-protective and why that doesn’t help
- Gain confidence in saying ‘no’ and sticking to it
- Get tips and tools handout at the end of each session
Other workshops planned are Living in a Blended (Step) Family and Divorce and Separation – how to Help the Kids
email Karen or ring me on 07956 614335